Interested in volunteering here at Temple Emanuel?
There are many opportunities to serve here at Temple Emanuel,
and you can select the areas of service which best fit
your schedule, talents, and interests.
Temple Office Volunteers
Volunteers are crucial for providing great service to members and visitors, hosting activities and keeping the Temple running smoothly with a small staff. We are always in need of new volunteers.
We would love the chance to talk to you about becoming a front-desk volunteer!
Join this great group of volunteers who help keep Temple Emanuel running!
Click here to let us know you are interested!
Host an Oneg Shabbat (dessert reception) - TWO ways!
Our Temple Emanuel Oneg Shabbat dessert receptions are opportunities for our community to come together and enjoy the sweetness of Shabbat with conversation and refreshments every Friday after services.
We invite you to sponsor an Oneg Shabbat in honor of your family and friends. Gather your friends, Chavurot, social groups, committees, clubs, or family to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, engagements, weddings, graduations, new babies, a loved one’s accomplishments, or any happy occasion - or just to celebrate being alive!
It is a wonderful way to celebrate any special occasion with your Temple Emanuel community!
Sign up to host an Oneg Shabbat Here!
Another way you can help is by engaging with the
Mitzvah Makers!
Shalom everyone! We are thrilled to announce this exciting new TEOT group! We look forward to creating meaningful once-monthly* Oneg Shabbat together.
If you want to know more, or would like to participate, please reply here and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
TEOT's Caring Community
We are excited to announce that we are creating a Caring Community. More information to come, if you are interested in learning more or being a part of this community outreach program please click the link below and let us know.
Click here to add your name to our interest list.
Volunteer to feed the hungry!
I-HELP is an acronym for Interfaith Housing Emergency Lodging Program. It is a program of Tempe Community Action Agency that partners with a number of faith communities, clubs, and organizations to combat homelessness. Temple Emanuel is responsible for planning and preparing dinner and lunches for the 1st Wednesday of each month and the 3rd Thursday of each month.
Jim Flegenheimer, Temple Emanuel I-HELP (Interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging Program) coordinator, is looking for volunteers (and specifically groups of individuals) to purchase, cook and serve food.
Please consider volunteering your time to perform this mitzvah, and e-mailing Jim
Click here to read more